1CRM Releases 8.7.13
MARKETING1CRM Announces 8.7.14 Update! Written by Zak Dauncey-Lilley @ZakDauncey MARKETING1CRM Announces 8.7.14 Update! Written by Suzanne Louis @BPskills KEY CHANGES IN RELEASE 8.7:
MARKETING1CRM Announces 8.7.14 Update! Written by Zak Dauncey-Lilley @ZakDauncey MARKETING1CRM Announces 8.7.14 Update! Written by Suzanne Louis @BPskills KEY CHANGES IN RELEASE 8.7:
MARKETING1CRM Announces 8.7.12 Update! Written by Zak Dauncey-Lilley @ZakDauncey MARKETING1CRM Announces 8.7.12 Update! Written by Suzanne Louis @BPskills Changes in 8.7.12. Extensions: Fixed issue with call_hook_function after uninstall of third-party extensions. Targets: Fixed issue that prevented the export of target lists if list was set to dynamic = yes. Accounts: Find issues that would prevent…
1CRM has a brand new release, adding many new features to your CRM! Among them, the popular Flex theme is now free and available to all! We have a brand new Android app, you can track the status of individual emails sent, drag and drop files into your 1CRM, and much more! 1CRM strives to…