1CRM has a brand new release, adding many new features to your CRM! Among them, the popular Flex theme is now free and available to all! We have a brand new Android app, you can track the status of individual emails sent, drag and drop files into your 1CRM, and much more! 1CRM strives to help you close more deals in less time, and 1CRM 8.5 is the most efficient system to help you get the job done!
Discover CRMFlex
Anywhere, any device, any time. That has to be the mantra in today’s business world for how you respond to your clients’ needs. Accordingly, 1CRM is designed as much for use on smartphones and tablets, as it is for laptop and desktop computers. The ability of 1CRM to adapt its screen presentation to best suit the screen size of the device you are using is called CRMFlex.
Your Email Has Been Opened
Was your email received? Opened? When was it opened? How many times have they opened it? Did they also forward it to someone, and they opened it too? 1CRM can now answer these questions for every single email you send, in addition to email marketing campaigns. Even your Gmail won’t do that! Now if only we could answer the question of why that person hasn’t responded exactly when you’d like them to…

Major User Experience Refresh
1CRM now includes over 35 theme and colour scheme combinations! The fabulous Flex theme is added to 1CRM as standard, with its strong flat design and a wide range of colour and background image options. Each user can have a highly personalized experience – you can even add your own images as show-through backgrounds!
LiveChat Integration
1CRM includes a built-in integration with the website chat system from LiveChat.
This integration allows full website chat sessions to be captured to 1CRM and logged as Activities. The Chat sessions are linked to existing Contacts or Leads – or a new Contact or Lead is created. As well, within LiveChat sessions, supplementary data from 1CRM is shown if a visitor is already known there.
Your Data Is Safe with 1CRM
Data Privacy module added, tracking data privacy events such as Right to Erase Information, Consent to Process, and Withdrawal of Consent. New Access Control features added as well as several other changes to assist our clients in compliance to European GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations), and similar data privacy requirements worldwide. See 1CRM & GDPR for more details.
Drag 'n Drop Files
Say goodbye to searching through little file names, hoping you’re attaching the right one to the email. 1CRM now features Drag ‘n Drop support for adding files to emails, Notes with attachments and Documents in essentially all modules. Now you have the chance to open the file to make sure its the right one, and then drag and drop it right in!

Android App
1CRM Mobile for Android features optimized mobile access to your complete 1CRM system – every module as well as admin capability. Now you can easily connect with clients, create tasks, prepare quotes and invoices, and manage your projects and service cases from anywhere.