Welcome back to Top 10 Tuesday! Here are 10 ways to make your business run more efficiently!
1. Implement a CRM System – To begin running your business more efficiently, you need to implement a CRM solution. It will streamline your sales force, hold every piece of information regarding your accounts, leads, and contacts, and promote collaboration across the business. It is essential for every business to have the same information available to every member of staff.
2. Hold Staff Meetings – An oldie but a goodie. Staff meetings keep the lines of communication open between employees, and between managers/supervisors/employers and employees. If problems in the company are expressed early on, they can be fixed quickly and efficiently. Left to fester, and your business isn’t running as efficiently as it could. Additionally, if employees have ideas regarding how to run the company more efficiently – listen! They know better than anyone what is slowing down their days, and standing between the company and success.
3. Rather than extending work hours, try to make the most out of the 8 hour work day. As this article suggests, the best strategies are to break the 8 hours up into 90 minute intervals for maximum efficiency, reduce multitasking, and eliminate distractions. Additionally, you can implement something like the Google Special Projects Program, in which employees spend 20% of their time working on something related to the company, that interests them personally. This will reduce employees hanging about the work place just waiting for the work day to end, and encourage productivity.
4. Propose an exercise program. Here are 12 Office Exercises that could be implemented in any business. Studies have shown, exercise reduces stress, improves mental and interpersonal performance, and helps employees to manage their workload better. Should you have the funds, you could also provide proper exercise facilities for all staff to use. Not to mention, employees who regularly exercise will demand less sick days, and less claims to health insurance.
5. Reduce Unproductive Travel Time – Whenever possible, use video calls and Web conferencing to reduce the amount of traveling time. Travel time is wasted time, and you need every minute to count. Whenever a viable option, you can also allow employees to work from home. Although there is the fear that employees will drop tools at home, studies have shown that many are much happier and more productive when in their comfortable home. Depending on the amount of self-discipline, it will vary person to person, as to whether they are more efficient at home or in the work place.
6. Offer Employees Bonuses or Incentives. Employees are more likely to do the bare minimum of their required duties if there is no incentive in doing more. For example, Starbucks addresses each employee as a partner, because each employee can buy stocks in the company. Being able to personally profit from the company doing better and better each day encourages employees to be more efficient and do their best for the company. Offering your employees bonuses for going above and beyond, or stocks in the company, may motivate them to do their best for you.
7. Take Time to Train – When a new employee starts work, some businesses tend to “throw them into the pool” and yell “SWIM!” To ensure maximum efficiency, be sure to train your employees well before they begin their position. The time spent in training will benefit the business and the employee in the long run. If not trained properly, employees will have to pester their colleagues to teach them how to complete certain tasks, they will make more mistakes and feel frustrated that they were not better prepared. Additionally, having a proper training program ensures that each employee will be taught how to complete tasks the same way, which will encourage consistent results.
8. Recent and Reliable Technology – Make sure you aren’t that company forcing employees to use 15 yr old PC’s in this age of technology. Newer forms of technology are faster, more efficient, and support the newest software. When a computer is slow in receiving and recalling information, the customers and employees suffer. You don’t want employees spending needless time fighting with devices, trying to make them fit the demand. Make the investment in your company – update your technology.
9. Let Daylight In – Whenever possible, open the blinds and let the daylight in. Florescent lights are not stimulating, and can cause migraines. If you do not have many windows, if possible, fix that! Employees are more relaxed and efficient at work with some exposure to nature.
10. Arranged for Efficiency – Take a look at how your work space is organized, and how it could be made more efficient. Is the photocopier on the other side of the building? Do employees have to spend extra time walking around in order to get tasks done? Reduce the amount of travel time by organizing the work space efficiently.
There you have it! 10 ways to make your business more efficient. We’d be interested in knowing what strategies you have employed to make your business run more smoothly! Share your comments in the box below!